Located in the center of Africa, the Democratic Republic of Congo is a country full of opportunities, wealth and necessary resources for the development of Africa. With an area of 2,245,000 km2, for a high population density of 46 inhabitants/km2, the DRC is the 4th most populated country in Africa.
The demographic aspect of the DRC is an essential asset in the Retail sector which was what the visionaries of Muzuri Retail had observed.
The DRC has a population of over 108 million in 2022 and over 15 million of the population is concentrated in Kinshasa; the young and dynamic. With more than 10 decades in the country, Muzuri Retail has had time to study this market in order to serve them concretely and efficiently.
Muzuri Retail understands the needs of Congolese consumers and knows how to deal with the challenges on the ground. Thus, Muzuri Retail, working with international brands under franchise, wishes to meet the needs of the people and the Congolese trend, in different areas in the country.
Angola is a country in Southwest Africa, with an area of 1,246,700 km2 and Luanda its capital is the country’s largest city.
Angola has a dynamic population passionate about all things trendy: fashion and style. It counts 33,642,646 inhabitants in 2021 due to a strong growth rate as well as immigration, making the country a reserve of a generally young and very active population. That growth in the country is positive economically and makes the country attractive for several investors. Although being a large country, the active population as well as all the economic activities of the country, are concentrated more in the city and the province of Luanda. The latter contains modern surprises, enough to dazzle and thrill its visitors, both tourists and investors. It has 5 million inhabitants and is estimated to reach 12 million inhabitants at the end of the decade. Luanda is becoming a gold mine for the country and for investors, like Muzuri Retail which has seen the potential of the land and wishes to serve the Angolans through the Retail Sector. Muzuri Retail is starting its journey in Angola by opening the International Brand LC Waikiki early 2023, at AngoMart Talatona, in Luanda.